Contact Person: Rikky Khanna
Select from a wide selection of dress shirts for business dress, business casual, or formal wear at Mens Clothing Store! Spier and Mackay is amoungst the most reputed online mens dress stores and offers a wide range of men dress in many design and styles.
Company Overview:
In 2004, Spier and Mackay found ourselves immersed in a culture where most men wore made to measure shirts individually tailored in small, family run shops. And they were paying only a fraction of what one would expect to pay for a top quality, branded shirt. In fact, these shirts were of a higher quality than the designer mens clothes brands we were familiar with. But why were those branded shirts so overpriced? SPIER & MACKAY’S mission would be to offer the best quality shirts at a truly affordable price.
SPIER & MACKAY uses the same, time-honoured shirtmaking techniques established over a century ago by the famed Jermyn Street tailors in London, England. But our shirts sell for nearly 1/3 the price.